Economic perspectives that shape the future

About me

I am Nurlan Lalayev (nè Jahangirli), currently a PhD candidate at the University of Warwick. I try to shed some light on economic growth and development issues. For more info, see my personal website:

I am a proponent of micro-foundational macro research. Also, I believe that economic theory is necessary to build a coherent framework for observed facts. 

As an economist, I aspire to dedicate my career to the sustainable and resilient development. From time to time I upload some of my pertinent research work here. 

For more questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me! You can reach me via email: nurlan[dot]jahangirli[at]monash[dot]edu

Twitter: @nurlan_lv

Reviewing economic dynamics for a better future ahead

I aim to assess and critically involve with the recent debates and findings in development research, especially related to economic growth.

My mission is to provide a review of research papers on economics over the recent years and discuss them. The main purpose is to develop my personal way of economic thinking while assessing the literature and policy debates. One of the main intriguing question I have now includes how can we foster the growth of developing countries? 

A good question can shape the future

I have four motivating goals to develop this blog: